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Lots to See in Las Alturas Part II Closed (#17376054)

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Lot # Y414

'Lily' - Original Holly Goettelmann Watercolor View Watchlist >

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Lot # Y414
System ID # 17410952

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'Lily' - Original Holly Goettelmann Watercolor

  • Watercolor
  • Signed Lower Right 'Holly' Signed Holly Goettelmann

Good, No Damage, Professionally Framed

Overall: 17" X 21"
Visible: 10 1/2" X 14"

Artist's Statement:
In my work, I use subject matter taken from my environment to create small scale representational paintings. My process of painting is time consuming; I use a glazing technique that employs many layers of transparent color. I choose complimentary colors such as yellow and purple or red and green to heighten the color sense in my paintings. To strengthen this effect of brilliant color, I primarily use values within the middle range along with a minimum Of highlights and dark values.

While Oil on canvas has been my preference of material, I am in the process of learning to paint using the ancient technique of egg tempera. Egg tempera is an entirely different medium than oil on canvas and represents a challenge to the modern-day artist.

The beauty of my surroundings both indoors and outdoors serves as a daily inspiration to my work. Macro views are typically my favorites and serve as narrative dedicated to the discovery of and display of the structure of each subject depicted. My source material is taken mostly from my photographs. Often I choose to photograph organic materials as well as geometric shapes that are appealing to me. Reflections of glass and water also appeal to me. Many of my paintings contain a diagonal element that connotes action. I find that the subject matter that attracts my eye often enhances my mood.

The work ranges from very crowded areas with many details to larger softer areas. Some of the subject matter has been acquired through travel over the years and some of it is in my back yard. I continue to take photographs as well as paint from life with a distinct preference for still life that is visually pleasing to me. As I've grown older I've learned to appreciate my surroundings more and think less of the angst that occurs in our daily lives. This appreciation is what I want to express through the painting of this subject matter.

Holly R. Goettelmann

Photo Gallery