Mexican Folk Art Ex-Voto Chest View Watchlist >
- Winning Bid: $635.00
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Lot # W137
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Mexican Folk Art Ex-Voto Chest
This piece of Mexican folk art, an uncommon Ex-Voto Chest, used as a canvas for spiritual storytelling. The ex-votos incorporated into this design date back to the early 20th century, this chest showcases traditional craftsmanship intertwined with religious expression, highly esteemed in Mexican culture.
- Material and Construction: Crafted with sturdy dovetail joints, this piece was constructed with longevity in mind. The chest is elaborately hand-painted, displaying vibrant and expressive artwork.
- Design: Includes a removable pedestal base with a drawer featuring an iron pull, offering both functionality and aesthetic elegance.
Artwork and Inscriptions:
Each side of the chest features a unique narrative, vividly depicted and inscribed, reflecting the ex-voto tradition of expressing gratitude or seeking divine help through art:
Top Inscription
Original Text: "Cuentan que en el año de 1914, cuando una viejita llevaba de comer a su hijo que se encontraba trabajando su jornal, se le apareció la Virgen de Ocotlán, y le dijo 'Hija mía, he visto que te encuentras muy mal. Salva tú y tu familia. Es por eso que tú debes tomar de esta agua del pocito, es saludable y santificada, y que si se toma con devoción curará todos los males de cuantos bebieren.'"
Translation: "They say that in 1914, when an elderly woman was bringing food to her son who was earning his daily wage, the Virgin of Ocotlán appeared to her and said, 'My daughter, I have seen that you are very ill. Save yourself and your family. That is why you must drink from this small well’s water, it is healthy and sanctified, and if taken with devotion, it will cure all the ailments of those who drink it.'"
Witness: CFD. Soroya
Left Inscription
Original Text: "El día 12 de julio de 1916, que regresaba yo a mi jacal después de haber sembrado mi maíz, iba yo pasando por el potrero de los Rosales y de pronto se me aparecieron dos toros bravíos del corral. Estaba yo dispuesto a correr hacia una estatua, y solo entonces se me apareció un crucifijo y cuando los toros se acercaban, di gracias a Dios."
Translation: "On July 12, 1916, as I was returning to my shack after planting my corn, I was passing through the Rosales pasture and suddenly two fierce bulls from the corral appeared. I was ready to run towards a statue, and just then a crucifix appeared, and as the bulls approached, I gave thanks to God."
Witness: Mr. Demetrio Bonilla
Front Inscription
Original Text: "En 1913, cuando Juan Bernardino regresaba a su casa de su trabajo en el campo, vio un árbol de ocote en llamas. Se acercó a él y en el centro se encontraba la imagen de una Virgen la cual le pidió que le construyeran un templo y si lo hacían, su familia quedaría curada de la lepra y epidemias que aparecieran."
Translation: "In 1913, when Juan Bernardino was returning home from his work in the fields, he saw a pine tree ablaze. He approached it and in the center was the image of a Virgin who asked him to build a temple and if they did, his family would be cured of leprosy and any epidemics that arose."
Witness: Javier Gonzales
Right Inscription
Original Text: "En el mes de mayo de 1915, cuando mi compadre Filemón y yo íbamos al pueblo pasando por el rancho del patrón Rodolfo B., se nos apareció una bestia salvaje. Cuando la vimos, no nos pudimos ni mover, solo sin saber nos imploramos a Dios Nuestro Señor y la bestia desapareció."
Translation: "In May 1915, as my compadre Filemon and I were going to the town passing by the ranch of patron Rodolfo B., a wild beast appeared to us. When we saw it, we could not even move, just unknowingly we implored to Our Lord God and the beast disappeared."
Witnesses: My compadre Filemon and I
The chest is in good condition, with vibrant colors and a slightly scuffed base, which adds to its authentic, historical charm.
- Overall Size: 30.5 inches in height, 34 inches in width, 18 inches in depth
- Stand: 16 inches high, 34 inches wide, 18 inches deep